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 E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable

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Clan : PurpleVein
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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyTue May 06, 2014 12:48 am

This E3 2014 may be quite monstrous, and Microsoft continues to climb a little sauce through Phil Spencer has answered questions of players on Twitter and Dualshockers reported . Yes , the players were heard , and should get their money. Here are some information about this E3 .

Phil Spencer do not think Microsoft will release a portable console, but rather put on Windows Phone and tablets, and perhaps with a support handle for those peripherals someday.

Phil Spencer ensures that E3 2014 will be focused on the game , for the fans, and Microsoft evaluates opportunities to make the conference more interactive , as if the fans were there.

This E3 will focus on hardcore gamers .

They had the idea of ​​making the voice of Cortana 's voice conference , but Phil Spencer did not get too hung up on the idea and prefer it continues to remain integrated with Windows Phone, without overdoing it .

The fans should not expect the Tokyo Game Show to see Japanese Xbox games. In other words, it will be at E3 or Gamescom in August.
Some things will be announced before E3. May is a big month for news .

Phil Spencer has spent months preparing the plan in the coming weeks .

Phil Spencer has strict orders that prevent talk about anything relative to a franchise before this studio 343 Industries E3 2014.
During E3 , suites will be announced , but also new franchises.
New studios working with Microsoft which will be announced during the show.

[Via: XboxForSaleBlog]

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Clan : PurpleVein
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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyTue May 06, 2014 1:35 am

just found another article, pretty much the same stuff but couple new things!

Phil Spencer, the recently appointed head of the Xbox department at Microsoft, just came back from Shanghai, and to make it up for the absence he went all out in responding to questions from the fans about E3 on Twitter tonight.

Some of the points he made were quite interesting, and below you can read a summary:

Spencer doesn’t think Microsoft will introduce a dedicated handheld gaming device. Instead they’ll work on Windows Phone and tablets, maybe with controller support some day.

Spencer wants to make E3′s show more focused on the fans and he’s looking for ideas to make them feel like the conference is for them even if they aren’t in Los Angeles.

The main focus will be on hardcore gamers.

There was an idea to make Cortana the voice of the show, but Spencer didn’t like it. He likes the Windows Phone feature but doesn’t want to overdo it.
Fans won’t have to wait for Tokyo Game Show to see Japanese Xbox games (possibly meaning that we’ll see them at E3).

This year Microsoft will show “stuff we are committed to, from top studios, for this year and future.”
We’ll get a “couple of things” announced before E3. May “Should be a good month for news.” It took

Spencer a month to get the plans set.

Spencer has strict orders not to talk “about anything related to a 343i IP” before E3.

Both new IP and sequels will be announced at this year’s show.

Speaking about Japanese games, Spencer also talked about Lost Odyssey, mentioning that “Rights on that one are a bit complicated,” but that he’d like to see it on Games on Demand. He also stated that there may be opportunities to publish IPs that Microsoft owns but has neglected as digital games.
Finally, he mentioned that what stopped Rare from doing a new Battletoads game is just time. All of their teams are full at the moment, and they have a long list of what they’d like to do next.
One thing is for sure: Phil Spencer has been a busy bee, and it’s hard not to be intrigued about seeing the result of all that work in June. We’re just a little over a month away, and the hype is definitely building up.
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Locust Bait
Locust Bait

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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyTue May 06, 2014 7:44 pm

I tend to come on here on my phone so use the mobile site and can never read these things you post because of the coloured font. Sad

On topic though I am looking forward to E3. Hopefully they'll do something to stop all the haters hating; oh actually that could never happen. Dam people. Haha. :p
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Clan : Purple Vei
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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyTue May 06, 2014 8:20 pm

CommanderSkimpy wrote:
I tend to come on here on my phone so use the mobile site and can never read these things you post because of the coloured font. Sad

Actually I've had a few complaints through Facebook about the font colour. I'll keep it in mind when posting news in future. Smile
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Clan : PurpleVein
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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyTue May 06, 2014 10:00 pm

CommanderSkimpy wrote:
I tend to come on here on my phone so use the mobile site and can never read these things you post because of the coloured font. Sad

Sorry Dude, I've always posted in different font colours just to make the news stand out over just normal topic posts, I use my phone for posting and never had problem seeing it which is why I've never really thought about it, lol, if you are using the mobile version on the site that will be why, you can view the normal website on your phone think on the bottom on the mobile version says like "classic" or something.
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Locust Bait
Locust Bait

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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyFri May 09, 2014 4:49 am

I sometimes go to the classic version when on phone but when out and about its easier/better using the mobile site due to data usage etc.  Razz 

I can just about read the bright blue font but on the grey background on the mobile site. The yellow is the worst. hehe Wink 
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Clan : PurpleVein
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E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable Empty
PostSubject: Re: E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable   E3 2014 focused on gamers and no Xbox Portable EmptyFri May 09, 2014 4:56 am

Lol, I'll try a dark blue next time and just let me know if it's any easier to read dude Smile
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